class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Finding & Accessing Scientific Papers ## -植物生理生态领域 ###
Dongliang Xiong | 熊栋梁
### 2019/03/31 --- ## Introduction - Reading scientific literature is a critical part of conceiving of and executing a successful advanced science project. - Discovering truth by building on previous discoveries --- <img src="Images/00-giphy.gif" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> We want to know the impacts of **Drought** on **Photosynthesis**. The first step is to read literature in the field. <center><span style = "color:blue"><font size="10.0"> Here we go. </font></span></center> --- ## Where do you search papers - **Google Scholar** ( (**六星推荐**) - 全球范围内使用最广泛 - **免费**、**全面**、简单、更新周期几乎与期刊同步 - 在中国大陆被屏蔽,需采用不稳定的镜像‘非法’访问 - **Dimensions** ( (**五星推荐**) - 新上线的科研助手 - 更新速度较快 - 比较全面 - **Pubmed** ( (**四星推荐**) - 专注医学和生物学 --- ## Where do you search papers - **Web of Science** ( (**推荐高质量搜索**) - 筛选标准相对比较高 - 收费、更新相当缓慢 - ESI、SCI (Stupid Chinese Idea) 等评价指标的基础数据库 - Meta-analysis等基于文献数据研究的首选数据库 - **Scopus** ( - 比较全面,筛选标准高于google但低于web of Sci - 收费、更新较慢 - 爱思唯尔高引科学家等基础数据库 - 大多数国内高校无权限([抵制Elsevier]( --- ## Where do you search papers - **Others** - Loop ( - Baidu ( - Bing Academic ( - CNKI ( - ... 在其他选项有困难时可作为备用。相对而言,这些工具不仅资源稀少,还低效。 --- ## How to search papers ### Basic search - 关键词 i.e. "drought", "leaf", "Photosynthesis" - 人名(姓)i.e. 'Tyree, M.', 'Boyer. J' ### Advanced search - 检索式(不同数据库有不一样的规则,需自行查看) - AND; NOT; OR 三大连接词 - 善用' ' or " "以获取词组关键词搜索功能 - Article type, Publish time - Field Tags --- ## How to search papers **Web of Science** <img src="Images/01-ISI_advancedserach.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## How to search papers **Web of Science** <img src="Images/02-ISI_advance.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## How to search papers <img src="Images/03-ISI_advanceRes.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## How to search papers <img src="Images/12-ISI_anal.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <br> 利用数据库提供的过滤功能,分析所检索的文献资料。了解领域发展动态。 --- ## How to evaluate the quality of the paper <center> <span style = "color:blue"><font size="10.0"; face="bold">7612 篇英文文章!!</span></font> </center> <img src="Images/13-overpaper.jpg" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## How to evaluate the quality of the paper <img src="Images/06-natureOverInfo.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - 2.5 million articles published each year, in about 28,000 journals. (2014) - [21st Century Science Overload]( - [Potential predatory scholarly open‑access publishers]( <center> <span style = "color:blue"><font size="6.0"; face="bold">面对如此大量的文献,我们何去何从?</span></font> </center> --- ## How to evaluate the quality of the paper .pull-left[ <img src="Images/08-How-to.jpg" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Impact factor - 概率上文章引用次数较高 - 评价单篇文章可能不准确 - 不同学科半衰期不同 - 就高不就低(农艺_vs_植物学) 参考阅读:[高被引论文]( ] .pull-right[ - Citation - 领域热度 - 发表时间 - 不一定代表研究的价值 - Social medium - 研究尺度(精尖以及大尺度) - 领域难题 - 重大突破及广泛应用前景 - [Altmetric]( - [F1000]( - Peer commendation - Research group - 信誉和名誉 ] --- ## How to evaluate the quality of the paper <img src="Images/04-evaluate.png" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## How to download papers without access <span style = "color:blue"><font size="7.0"> Open Access </font></span> _vs_ <span style = "color:red"><font size="6.0"> Traditional Journals </font></span> <img src="Images/05-OAJ.png" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> > <span style = "color:blue"><font size="6.0"> Open to everyone in any place </font></span> .pull-left[ - Full OA journals - Plos library, PeerJ - Nature communication, eLife - Sci Rep, Front Plant Sci ] .pull-right[ - Mix Journals - Almost all journals in plant science ] --- ## How to download papers without access <img src="Images/14-npaccess.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <center> <span style = "color:rice"><font size="6.0"> 购买权限是最佳选择。 然而。。。 </font></span> </center> --- ## How to download papers without access <img src="Images/09-Elsevier.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## How to download papers without access <span style = "color:rice"><font size="6.0"> Solutions? </font></span> .pull-left[ - [Sci-Hub]( - 严格意义上“不合法” - 几乎能找到领域内的全部文献 - [Researchgate]( - 作者共享 - 多数情况不合法 - [Academia]( - 与ResearchGate类似 - 濒临倒闭 ] .pull-right[ - Preprint platforms - [bioRxiv]( - 合法途径,通常与最终发表版本有差异 - Authors website - 作者自己上传 - 多数情况也是违反版权协议的 - Email to Authors - 有时候也是不错的选择 ] --- ## How to download papers without access 当前可用网站: <img src="Images/10-scihub.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <br> The information you need: **DOI** of the paper. About the DOI, read 《[DOI时代的论文链接](》 --- <br> <img src="Images/11-travel.jpg" width="90%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <center> <span style = "color:blue"><font size="6.0"; face="bold"> Enjoy your trip ! </span></font> <br> Email: <br> Homepage: </center>